Unless one goes through an alteration in body image, it is difficult to understand what that person is dealing with. Alteration in body image can be anything physically altering... E.G.: weight gain or weight loss; amputation of a body part; a surgical scar; self-inflicted scar; a scar from an accident; on and on. Some scars are not a big deal, some are. Depends on the person and the scar and the origination. Then there are the scars that aren't necessarily visible to someone else. Aside from those hidden by clothing, what about the ones that that are internal? The mental and emotional scars and the spiritual effects that something so physical plays on our minds. Our bodies have become a huge part of what defines us. So many of us may say: "Don't judge a book by it's cover.", but, in all actuality, we do. We hold ourselves to very high standards sometimes... The gambit goes from those who have some grieving and get over it... "no biggie" to those who really have an issue with their alteration in body image.
We (Skin HDC) have been working towards being a provider with insurance companies so that women don't have to pay out of pocket for restoration procedures following a mastectomy. Perfect. A wellness clinic and an RN who is the tattoo artist and is certified in micro-pigmentation. Nope. Insurance companies don't partner with wellness clinics and clinics owned and operated by RNs. Unbelievable how women have had to fight for rights pertaining to our bodies. Now, gate keepers want to tell you to get sick before you can get well. We have a lot of ground to cover.
If you or if you know someone who has had a mastectomy and cannot afford pigment augmentation, have her get in touch with us... we're looking for six women who need this done and we'll do it at no charge for her.
We (Skin HDC) have been working towards being a provider with insurance companies so that women don't have to pay out of pocket for restoration procedures following a mastectomy. Perfect. A wellness clinic and an RN who is the tattoo artist and is certified in micro-pigmentation. Nope. Insurance companies don't partner with wellness clinics and clinics owned and operated by RNs. Unbelievable how women have had to fight for rights pertaining to our bodies. Now, gate keepers want to tell you to get sick before you can get well. We have a lot of ground to cover.
If you or if you know someone who has had a mastectomy and cannot afford pigment augmentation, have her get in touch with us... we're looking for six women who need this done and we'll do it at no charge for her.